
Operational Experience and Programmes for Optimal Utilization of the
Nigeria Research Reactor-1
S.A. Jonah 1), G.I. Balogun 1), A.I. Obi 1), Y.A. Ahmed 1), B. Nkom 1)
A.A. Mati, I. Yusuf 2)
1 ) Reactor Engineering Section, Centre for Energy Research and Training, Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria, Nigeria
2 ) Engineering and Instrumentation Design Section, Centre for Energy Research and
Training, Ahmadu Bello Univerisity, Zaria, Nigeria

The Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1) is the nation’s first nuclear reactor and it is sited at the Centre for Energy Research and Training, Zaria, Nigeria. It is a Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) that attained criticality on February 03, 2004. This presentation enumerates the measures put in place to ensure safe operation, sustainable maintenance regime and plans for optimal utilization. Some of these measures, which bothers on safe operation that have been implemented include: strict adherence to the periodic preventive maintenance routines; standard procedures for pre-startup, startup and shut down procedures; provision of a quick access to reactor top to facilitate rapid response in case of emergency. Furthermore, on the basis of the neutron flux spectrum characteristics, experimental protocols are presented for elemental analysis in geologic materials with negligible nuclear interferences especially for the analysis of Al in the presence of Si. Furthermore, research and development activities with regards to conversion from the current HEU core to a LEU core under the aegis of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project entitled “Conversion of MNSR to LEU” are outlined.

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